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Time control

Royal Decree-Law 8/2019 of March 8 obliges companies to keep a specific record of the working hours of their employees to avoid recruitment fraud or non-payment of overtime. Check that your company complies with current regulations thanks to our time control system and makes it easy for your employees to record their hours worked, vacations and absences through our simple app. Also obtain control reports to improve the management of your human resources and their access to your work centers.

What is it

A powerful cloud that allows your employees to record their hours worked, vacations, absences and balances of hours worked based on the schedules they have established using a simple App from anywhere.

Your company will have all kinds of control reports and in case you need to control the physical presence of employees in some of your work centers. You can also use our access control devices so that your employees can scan the cards that are integrated into the App.

If you also want to condition access to any type of documentation, training for the trades that they will perform or the risks they will incur, including Covid-19, only our App will allow you to achieve it.

Download our app for free

How does it work

Your employees will only have to download the App, register, and once your company approves the registration and assigns them one of the work calendars that you have previously defined, the workers will be able to use the App.

One or more administrators in the company will be able to edit the records to make adjustments and obtain time control reports for any period of time and export them to Excel.

If you decide to install readers or turnstiles in some work centers, the reading of the identification cards that the worker can present from her smartphone will clear the way and will count all entrances and exits.

If you wish, you will be able to add an additional intelligence layer so that your employees or any other collaborator, has the passage conditioned to any type of documentation, PPE, professional training, or compliance with any protocols.

What benefits do you get

Comply with the law

Comply with any current time control legislation.

Total control over absences, leaves, vacations and working hours.

Share all the information so you employees can manage themselves and make teleworking hours more flexible.

Promote self-management and self-control of your employees.

If they have the same information as you, they will give the best of themselves and will depend on the data and not on personal impressions.

Simplicity and security for your employees.

The learning curve of the App is short and fast. Your employees will know how to use it from the first moment.

Additional and unique layer of document control intelligence.

Our experience in document management is at your service in order to condition access to work centers to employees who meet the necessary documentation, risk prevention and training requirements.

Easily monitor the hours of your employees.

Know in real time the hours worked, who is in their working day and the balance of hours of each employee.

Generate all kinds of reports online and export them to Excel to make smart decisions

Monthly, weekly, daily, tailored to your needs, and for everyone or by work center, with or without signature holders. Make reports of all kinds and intelligently manage your HR.

Pay only for what is actually used in a time control application.

We focus on the functionalities that are actually used to simplify the management of your employees' schedules.

Connect it with our access control devices if you need it

If you want to control access to your work centers, our service integrates both functionalities. Click here to see our devices.

at workplace without physical contact between employees and devices.

Your employees will carry their identification card on their Smartphone and will only have to present it to our access devices.

Why is it the most convenient?

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Pay only for the features you need

Our prices are the most competitive because we develop our service based on what we know you are actually going to use.

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Integrate the data with whatever you want

The power of our company’s own software development allows us to adapt like a glove to any integration and customization need you may need.

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Unique Intelligence layer

Because you not only need to sign in, but to know if your employees should be able to work in your work centers based on documentation, training and risks

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Geolocation of your employees

Always in accordance with your employees and current legislation, you can use the world of possibilities that geolocation offers you

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User-centered design app for intuitive and easy use

The learning curve for your employees is optimal from the first moment.

Our focus is to give you the best service

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Instantly usable for your employees.

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Own and powerful technology department for your integration

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Free customer support

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Free training and support

Do you need time control software? Enjoy the advantages of our Employee Time Control App. At Nalanda we make sure that you comply with current regulations and avoid unnecessary fines. In addition, you will be able to obtain numerous reports with which to analyze productivity and improve the management and supervision of human capital.

Download our app and leave time control in our hands.

Meet our latest articles on Time Control

Descubra tudo o que podemos ajudá-lo

A sua tranquilidade, a nossa inspiração.

A Nalanda é uma multinacional espanhola que reúne grandes empresas e seus fornecedores em torno de uma plataforma digital na qual trocam documentação, compras, faturas e informações empresariais.

O Nalanda está integrado ao Konvergia, o que permite conectar a sua documentação e a dos seus colaboradores com outras plataformas CAE de forma automática e sem assistência.


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"Somente aqueles que estão dispostos a superar as grandes dificuldades do caminho alcançam os objetivos mais elevados"

– Manuscrito Universidad de Nalanda – S.XI​

Nestes momentos, estamos trabalhando em uma de suas dificuldades que às vezes, inesperadamente, surgem em nosso caminho quando estamos trabalhando para melhorar para ti. Enquanto dejamos toda a lista para ti, te proponemos que le eches un ojo a nuestro blog y disfrutes de nuestros contenidos, o que nos siga no Twitter para que te informemos quando volvamos a estar online.

Use estes botões de acordo com o serviço que lhe interessa e sua posição na cadeia de suprimentos/subcontratação:


  • Quando como contratista deseja receber a documentação de seus subcontratantes.
  • Quando como subcontratante deseja receber a documentação de seus próprios subcontratantes.
  • Cuando como promotora/propriedad, deseas solicita la documentación a tu contratista principal y/o a todos sus subcontratistas.
  • Quando você é comprador/contratante de bens/serviços, deseja receber as faturas de seus provedores eletronicamente.
  • Quando como comprador/contratante de bens/serviços, deseja receber a documentação/informações de homologação e/ou cumprimento de seus fornecedores de acordo com suas exigências.
  • Cuando como Construtora o Empresa Contratista deseja receber ofertas de seus fornecedores em suas RFQs.


  • Quando como subcontratista, você deve remeter sua documentação e/ou as suas próprias subcontratas ao seu contratista principal.
  • Quando você é subcontratante de nível inferior, deve enviar sua documentação ao subcontratante de nível superior.
  • Quando como contratista principal, você deve remitir sua documentação e/ou todos os seus subcontratantes à sua promotora/propriedad.
  • Cuando como provedor/vendedor/contratista, debes emitir las facturas a tus clientes/contratistas/administración pública eletronicamente.
  • Quando como provedor de serviços/serviços, você deve enviar a documentação de homologação e/ou conformidade ou atender às exigências de sua empresa para seus provedores.
  • Cuando como provedor, deseas encontrar novas obras, projetos y clientes a los que vendem tus bienes y servicios.

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