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Discover more in 3 minutes

In our CAE Platform (Coordination of Business Activities), document management is more than an exchange of documentation between all the figures involved in it. And its main objective is the prevention of accidents at work. Discover all the advantages of our CAE Platform.

Take advantage of the synergies of our communities and you can join at no cost*.

* subject to commercial study

What is a CAE platform

Nalanda’s CAE platform is a leader in document management for the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) and Access Control linked to documentation. We claim, guard, verify and validate the documentation of the company, workers and machinery that your subcontractors must present to you when they work on your projects.

Gain the peace of mind knowing that only suitable workers and machines will be able to access your projects and that you will pay your subcontractors safely.

How does a CAE platform work?

Using a unique methodology, through our certificates, we get your administration and prevention departments to align themselves, conditioning payments to your subcontractors to their correct documentary situation, both in the legal aspect- work as a preventive Thus, your subcontractors are motivated to have all their correct CAE documentation, since they know that this makes it easier for them to collect on time.

Gestión Documental CAE
how our unique methodology works in nalanda


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Your subcontractors upload the documentation to the cloud only once for any contractor.

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Our experts validate the documentation for you.

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The access of workers and machines is conditional on their certificates being suitable.

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The payment is conditioned to the correct situation of the company today and of the workers and machinery during the work.

What documents do we validate for you?

Through our CAE document management service we validate documents and parameterizable criteria based on the standard of our community.

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Of companies

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Of workers

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Of machinery

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What products and services complement it

Access control
always linked to documentation

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QR scanner

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Personnel in
the field

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Benefits of CAE document management

Personal sobre el terreno auditores

Outsource without risk

Find on our platform subcontractors with documentary demonstrable reliability.

Unforgeable QR and photograph of the worker in the access cards.

Only fit in your center

Workers accessing your projects after checking their aptitude in real time.

Pay safely

Pay safely

Avoid any joint or several liability before paying and end future claims.

Less paper, costs and time

Increase efficiency by stopping claiming, filing, and tracking scattered papers and emails.

Dedicate yourself to what you do best

Free yourself from paperwork to have time to dedicate yourself to real prevention and good administration.

More real safety in the field

Use our methodology to encourage subcontractors to have their CAE documentation impeccable.

Total control before inspections and audits

Total control before inspections and audits

Easly find any document of any project with the status it had at the time.

Validation according to legislation

Validation according to legislation

Take advantage of the common knowledge of the platform community put into practice by our expert validators.

Keep your backs covered

Keep your backs covered

Our insurances assume the consequences of any possible validation error.

Why our CAE platform is the most powerful

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Templates and specific documentation

Because each project is a world, you can add specific documents to be completed by subcontractors like i.e. coordination acts, adherence to your security plan, etc., and decide if they affect payments and / or access.

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Control of jorneys and presence and all kinds of reports in Excel

Either manually or through our access control devices, you will control entries and exits of your subcontractors with the maximum level of detail and you will be able to obtain all kinds of reports, even with signature boxes for subcontractors.

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All you projecs at a glance

A permission system allows your team to have access to one, several or all of your projects.

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Guest access

So that you can share information and documentation with your management, property, labor inspection and audit with read-only permissions.

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Quality and Environment Documentation

You can complement your documents with other quality and environmental documents: CE marking, carbon footprint, ISOs, etc.

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Possibility of transferring tasks to your subcontractors

You can let the subcontractors themselves assign their workers and mark the working hours when they are trusted, saving you the effort.

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Sending all documentation by email

Both you and your subcontractors can send an email with links to all the documents and their current status and summary.

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Automatic or forced notifications

An automatic alert system alerts subcontractors with the necessary time for any documentary need. You can also insist by forcing these alerts with predefined texts that claim what is missing, with the possibility of customizing them.

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ID Stickers / badges for workers and machines

Both you and your subcontractors will be able to print identification cards that allow access through a non-falsifiable QR code. In addition trades, PPE, machinery authorizations and other relevant worker data are shown in the IDs.

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List of workers with upcoming due dates

You will be able to see at once which workers from which subcontractors are at imminent risk of expiration of essential documents.

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Official letter and authorization for the use of machinery crosschecked with PPE and courses

We break down all the information to know if a worker who is going to perform a specific job with specific machinery, has the necessary courses, PPE, and permits.

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Powerful data collations

We compare payroll, with other official documents for you to make sure that workers have received and have regularized their situation with Social Security.

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Workflows for journey approbals

Automatically send your subcontractors the days they have done so that they can sign them and avoid claims for hours not worked.

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Multi-device - App for contractors and subcontractors

Operate from any device using our Apps and responsive pages and make it easy for your contractors to also enjoy this option.

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No limitations on language or storage space

We save all your documentation without you having to worry about storage space, and we do it in any language.

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Complete historical documentaries

You will easily access any document contributed in the past and the “photo” of the documentary status that it had at the time.

See more

Our goal is to give you the best service

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Simple implementation methodology.

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Presence of commercial consultants nationwide.

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CAE documentary consultancy for a correct implementation.

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Maximum validation period of 48 hours with a channel for immediate emergencies.

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Personalized attention to the contractor.

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Free technical and documentary support for the subcontractor.

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Possibility of custom developments on our platform.

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Possibility of documentary parameterization.

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Possibility of computer integration with your ERP.

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Constant updating of the platform software.

Learn about our latest articles on Coordination of Business Activities

Find out how we can help you

Your peace of mind, our inspiration

Nalanda is integrated with Konvergia, which allows you to connect your documentation and that of your collaborators with other CAE platforms automatically and unattended.


We are the official digitizing agent of European funds

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Plataforma CAE

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Tu decides el coste documental

El coste documental en los procesos de gestión documental CAE, homologación, facturación y ofertas que te producen tus proveedores lo solía asumir tu empresa. Ahora tú decides si quieres seguir asumiéndolo o si lo compartes o lo trasladas como hacen la mayoría de nuestros grandes contratistas clientes.

Document Management

Play Video

You decide the documentary cost

The document cost in the document management, suppliers qualification, invoicing and purchasing processes that your subcontractors produce has been traditionally assumed by your company. Now you decide if you want to keep assuming it or if you share or transfer it as most of our large client contractors do.

You decide the documentary cost

"Only those who are willing to overcome the great difficulties of the path reach the highest goals"

– Manuscript Nalanda University – S.XI​

In these moments, we are working on one of these difficulties that sometimes, unexpectedly, arise on our path when we are working to improve for you. While we leave everything ready for you, we propose that you look at our blog and enjoy our content, that you follow us on Twitter so that we inform you when we are back online.

Use these buttons according to the service that interests you and your position in the supply/subcontracting chain:


  • When as a contractor you want to receive documentation from your subcontractors
  • When as a subcontractor you want to receive documentation from your own subcontractors
  • When as a developer/property, you want to request documentation from your main contractor and / or all its subcontractors.
  • When as a buyer/contractor of goods/services, you want to receive invoices from your suppliers electronically.
  • When, as a buyer/contractor of goods/services, you wish to receive the documentation of qualification/compliance of your suppliers according to your requirements
  • When as a Construction Company or Contractor Company you want to receive offers from your suppliers to your RFQ’s


  • When as a subcontractor, you must send your documentation and / or those of your own subcontractors to your main contractor.
  • When as a lower level subcontractor, you must submit your documentation to your higher level subcontractor.
  • When as the main contractor, you must send your documentation and/or that of all your subcontractors to your promoter/property.
  • When as a supplier/seller/contractor, you must issue invoices to your clients / contractors / public administration electronically
  • When as a provider of goods / services you must send your documentation / information of approval and / or compliance according to the demands of your clients

When as a supplier, you want to find new works, projects and clients to sell your goods and services to.

This service is only available to buyers

If you are a supplier, you can see the part of our website designed for you in the following button.

This service is only available to providers

If you are a buyer you can see the part of our website designed for you in the following button.