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Supplier approval

Make sure before awarding that the company you will work with is reliable, solvent and respects the law, thus mitigating the responsibility of the legal entity of your company in the face of individual malpractices and improving your reputation and compliance.

Take advantage of the synergies of our communities and you can join at no cost.

* subject to commercial study

What is it

It is an intelligent cloud for the Homologation and Qualificaton of Suppliers specialized in Compliance. It guarantees internal and external regulatory compliance of companies concerned with making the world a better place.
We claim, safeguard, verify and validate all documentation and compliance questionnaires that you require from all your suppliers when they collaborate on your projects.

How does it work

By awarding only suppliers previously approved in our exclusive supplier directory, we get your purchasing and production departments to ally, conditioning your awards and subsequent control points, to the correct compliance with the homologation and compliance regulations of your company by said suppliers, and protecting everyone from bad practices.
Thus, both buyers and suppliers are motivated to improve to compete in a more ethical and fair business environment.

certificado de homologación
how our unique methodology works in nalanda


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Your providers upload the documentation to the cloud only once for any of your projects.

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Our experts validate the documentation for you.

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The contracting of suppliers is subject to compliance with the documentation and questionnaires.

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Your suppliers are available to the rest of your organization for future purchases.

What documents and questionnaires we validate for you

Documents and criteria parameterizable based on the standard of our community.

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General Data

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Reliability / solvency

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Human resources

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Compliance/human rights

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Data protection

What benefits do you get

Validation according to legislation

Avoid criminal convictions for the legal person, administrators and staff

Respect current legislation, preventing the commission of crimes and therefore avoiding / mitigating possible sanctions and convictions.

Contribute to the proper functioning of the markets

Help to avoid the damages of unfair competition produced by acts of corruption by accepting the principles of good corporate governance and promoting the ethical achievement of economic objectives, and generating equal opportunities in organizations.

Avoid internal fraud

Establish policies, processes and procedures generating greater control and clarity over the work, avoiding fraudulent purchases of products and services and superfluous expenses.

Less paper, costs and time: more efficiency

Stop claiming, filing, and tracking scattered papers and emails.

Validation according to legislation

Avoid judicial and administrative sanctions

Comply with the universe of legal and regulatory obligations imposed by all organizations that may affect you like social security or treasury organizations.

Increase the reputation and competitiveness of your company

Make clear how your company works: honest, ethical, transparent, and that it complies with current regulations.

Real-time presence listings.

Complies with ISO anti-bribery and criminal compliance

Avoid non-conformities by collecting all the documentation and questionnaires with their validation status in an intelligent cloud.

Find new suppliers and opportunities.

Find new suppliers and opportunities

Share knowledge and access suppliers approved by other contractors in our community.

Why is it the most powerful?

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Integrated with our Document Management service

Part of the documentation regarding reliability and solvency is used in partnership with the Prevention and Administration departments.

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Integrated with the Suppliers Directory

In addition to being able to find new suppliers, you will be able to check the supplier’s documentary rating and their resume of previous work.

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From the standard, you can define your own documentary and questionnaire requirements.

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Automated alerts

Both in the initial claim for documentation and completion and in the subsequent required updates.

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Cross visibility for total control

All the information and documentation in a cloud where you can share knowledge with the rest of your organization.

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Detailed reports

Global vision of your suppliers in reports that bring together the information.

Our focus is to give you the best service

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Simple implementation methodology.

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Presence of commercial consultants.

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Documentary consulting for a correct implementation.

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Maximum validation period of 48 hours with channel for immediate emergencies.

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Personalized attention to the contractor.

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Technical and documentary support for the supplier.

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Possibility of customized developments on our platform.

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Possibility of document parameterization.

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Possibility of computer integration with your ERP.

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Constant update/development of the platform software.

Learn about our latest articles on Homologation and Compliance

Descubre en todo lo que podemos ayudarte

Tu tranquilidad, nuestra inspiración.

HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN AL CLIENTE: Lunes a Jueves de 08:30 a 18:00. Viernes de 08:00 a 15:00
HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN AL CLIENTE EN JULIO Y AGOSTO: Lunes a Jueves de 8:00 a 16:30. Viernes a de 8:00 a 15:00

Nalanda está integrada con Konvergia, lo que te permite conectar tu documentación y la de tus colaboradores con otras plataformas CAE de forma automática y desasistida.


Somos agente digitalizador oficial de los fondos europeos

© 2020 NALANDA GLOBAL, S.A. – Todos los derechos reservados.
Condiciones Generales de Contratación – Política de privacidadPolítica de cookies

Tu decides el coste documental

El coste documental en los procesos de gestión documental CAE, homologación, facturación y ofertas que te producen tus proveedores lo solía asumir tu empresa. Ahora tú decides si quieres seguir asumiéndolo o si lo compartes o lo trasladas como hacen la mayoría de nuestros grandes contratistas clientes.

"Sólo los que están dispuestos a superar las grandes dificultades del camino alcanzan los más altos objetivos"

– Manuscrito Universidad de Nalanda – S.XI​

En estos momentos, estamos trabajando en una de esas dificultades que a veces, inesperadamente, surgen en nuestro camino cuando estamos trabajando para mejorar para ti. Mientras dejamos todo listo para ti, te proponemos que le eches un ojo a nuestro blog y disfrutes de nuestros contenidos, o que nos sigas en Twitter para que te informemos cuándo volvamos a estar online.

Este servicio solo está disponible para proveedores

Si eres comprador puedes ver la parte de nuestra web pensada para ti en el siguiente botón.

Este servicio solo está disponible para compradores

Si eres proveedor puedes ver la parte de nuestra web pensada para tí en el siguiente botón.

Utiliza estos botones según el servicio que te interese y tu posición en la cadena de suministro/subcontratación:


  • Cuando como contratista deseas recibir la documentación de tus subcontratistas.
  • Cuando como subcontratista deseas recibir la documentación de tus propios subcontratistas.
  • Cuando como promotora/propiedad, deseas solicitar la documentación a tu contratista principal y/o a todos sus subcontratistas.
  • Cuando como comprador/contratador de bienes/servicios, deseas recibir las facturas de tus proveedores electrónicamente.
  • Cuando como comprador/contratador de bienes/servicios, deseas recibir la documentación/información de homologación y/o compliance de tus proveedores según tus exigencias.
  • Cuando como Constructora o Empresa Contratista deseas recibir ofertas de tus proveedores a tus RFQ’s.


  • Cuando como subcontratista, debes remitir tu documentación y/o las de tus propias subcontratas a tu contratista principal.
  • Cuando como subcontratista de nivel inferior, debes remitir tu documentación a tu subcontratista de nivel superior.
  • Cuando como contratista principal, debes remitir tu documentación y/o la de todos tus subcontratistas a tu promotora/propiedad.
  • Cuando como proveedor/vendedor/contratista, debes emitir las facturas a tus clientes/contratistas/administración pública eletrónicamente.
  • Cuando como proveedor de bienes/servicios, debes remitir la documentación de homologación y/o compliance o según las exigencias de tu empresa a tus proveedores.
  • Cuando como proveedor, deseas encontrar nuevas obras, proyectos y clientes a los que vender tus bienes y servicios.